새해 복 많이 받으시길 기원합니다.

사랑하고 존경하는 한인 여러분, 새해 복 많이 받으십시오!

희망찬 임인년 2022년을 맞아, 그간 안녕하신지요? 힘들었던 지난 2 년을 무사히 보내시고 이렇게 지면으로 여러분들에게 인사를 드릴 수 있다는 자체가 축복입니다. 백신이 일상을 되찾아주지 못해  지난 2년은 쉽지 않았습니다. 그러나 지난 2년은 우리를 더 유연 하고 견고게  만들어 주었으며 소중한 것을 위해 기꺼이 싸울 수 있게 강인하게 만들어 주었습니다.

여러분 모두가 극복하기 위하여 취하신 인내, 회복력, 또 신중한 안전 조치에 대하여 찬사를 표하고 싶습니다.

새로운 시작은 희망, 꿈, 설렘으로 옵니다.  새로운 긍정과 많은 기회에 대한 준비로 새해를 맞이하기를 대합니다.  검은 호랑이의 해,2022년 – 힘, 정열, 용기를 상징하는 해입니다. 계속 지혜와 인내로 건투 하시고 올해는 여러분의 가정과 삶에 무수한 축복과 꿈이 이루어지기를 진심으로 기원합니다.

새해 복 많이 받으시고 번창하세요!

January 1, 2022

앵커리지 한인회 회장 방기순 (Key Getty) 과 이사 일동


It’s an exciting time of year! A new beginning comes with hope, dreams, and excitement. I truly hope this year brings all of us countless blessings and dreams come true. 

The past two years have not been easy, but we look forward to welcoming a new year with renewed positivity and readiness for many opportunities. If anything, the last two years made us more resilient, flexible, and willing to fight for what is precious. 

2022 is the year of the black tiger, symbolizing bravery, strength, power, and valor. I wish for all of you to continue the good fight and continue to do what you love and are best at.

Have a happy and prosperous new year!

Key E. Getty 

Key E. Getty, President

Korean American Community of Anchorage Inc.

January 1, 2022